

Sl.No. Name of the cell/association Name of the designated officer
1 Student Welfare Officer Mrs. Dhanashri Kulkarni
2 SC/ST Cell Ms. Archana Jhadav
3 Women Empowerment Cell Ms. Vidya Angadi
4 Anti-ragging Cell Ms. Sudharani Hulmani
5 Placement Cell Mr. Prashanth Hiremath
6 H.R.D Cell Ms. Apeksha Gupte
7 Anti Sexual Harassment Cell Ms. Apeksha Gupte
8 Students Guidance Cell Ms. Archana Jadhav
9 Kannada Balag Cell Ms. Deepa Angadi
10 Students grievence Cell Ms. Sridevi Hiremath
11 Parents-teachers association Mr. Prashant Hiremath
12 IQAC Mrs. Dhanashri Kulkarni

For the benefit of the students and their overall personality development, we have the following associations, cells and committees.